
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We've made a huge improvement to the way link previews are shown in the room!
If the link provides an interactive preview, you will see it directly in the room. That means links like SoundCloud, Google Maps, Figma, Vimeo, and many more will be usable directly from the preview.
Paste some links in your room and try it out!
Introducing notepad
We are excited to announce the latest addition to our growing list of accessories: the
Collaborative Notepad
Unlike sticky notes, the content of the Notepad can be edited synchronously by any participant in the room.
This makes it a great tool for taking notes in a meeting, laying out ideas in a brainstorm, or working on text documents as a team.
We're excited to hear what you think of it. Let us know!
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One of our biggest request so far has been the ability to have private conversations inside a With room. You can finally do it, thanks to our new Huddle accessory!
Using it is very simple, just add a Huddle to the room by clicking on the icon in the dock, move and resize the Huddle however you want. You can add as many Huddles as you need inside your room.


Bug fix

Fixed issue where users avatars in the members management list was randomly changing while interacting with it.
We've made some big changes under the hood to how accessory size is calculated to help improve the consistency of your experience in With. And as a bonus, you can now resize your bubble in camera mode!
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You may notice some small changes in how accessory size is computed for things like sticky notes and videos. As always, please let us know if something doesn't seem right!
Keep your room list nice and tidy with the ability to leave a room when you want to. You can access this feature from the room drop down on your dashboard.
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Whoops! We accidentally broke live cursors for a moment, but they're back now.
As rooms start to fill up with sticky notes, file uploads, and whiteboards, it can be hard to find a place to grab to drag your camera! We've updated our gestures for mouse users so that the middle mouse button always moves the view, even if it's hovered over something. You can always use the arrow keys, as well!
When you sign in or enter a room, you will see a new experience. Now, you can easily switch between rooms or create a new one.
Handy to quickly create a workshop, an interview room, or anything you want to use With for!
We've updated the background when you are away to be simpler and improve performance.
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