Setting output speaker
under review
Matt Woodward
To follow-up on Thibaut's comment, what I'm noticing is that I end up with my audio output set differently than my mic, and even though in systems settings it looks proper, toggling to a different item and returning to the original setting seems to fix the audio. This doesn't seem to happen with google meet, unsure if that's because they save this setting or if the issue is specifically related to Big Sur, or if it is an interaction between With and Big Sur. I'm using Chrome.
Matt Woodward
I also seem to have briefly used the wrong account.
Laurent Baumann
Matt Woodward: thanks a lot for all the details. This browser / system audio input and output is indeed a source of headaches for us haha, but we will figure something out. Thanks again for letting us know!
Thibaut Labarre
It seems like the upgrade to MacOS Big Sur made it more likely that the default audio output is wrong. Being able to fix that in With by setting the audio output would help a lot.
Thibaut Labarre
I'd like to use for my audio output.
Laurent Baumann
Thibaut Labarre: Isn't Krisp an audio input tool, that cancels the noise from your microphone? I see on your screenshot that you already selected it as an input source. Any reason you would also want Krisp to be on the output? Sorry for all the questions :D
Thibaut Labarre
Laurent Baumann: Krisp does both: it can cancel audio in both my input and my output. Here's what Krisp settings look like:
Laurent Baumann
Thibaut Labarre: Awesome, thanks for the details. We will explore that, but we might be limited to what the browser let us do :) Thanks!
Laurent Baumann
under review
Laurent Baumann
Thanks for the feedback Thibaut, we will explore if that's an option with the library we are using. Do you currently use the system switcher for the audio output? Just by curiosity, is there a reason you want the With output to be separate from the general audio output?
Matt Woodward
Laurent Baumann: Similar feedback to Thibaut Labarre. I'd expect it works similarly to how Google meet handles audio settings. The reason is that you can't select Krisp as the system audio output. I suspect it is because you only want noise reduction on teleconference software. It degrades the output for other applications.
Laurent Baumann
Matt Woodward: Make sense. We are looking at options here, as it's a little complete to funnel (or not funnel) all the audio through one source, since you could have things like YouTube playing in the room, shared screens with audio enabled, etc. Definitely understood the use-case tho, thanks for chiming in!